Special Issues
Bordón´s recent monographic issues available on http://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/BORDON/issue/archive have focused on the following topics:
YEAR | TOPIC | GUEST EDITOR | Bordón Number | 2023 | Digital competency, tpack and technological ethics: challenges for the information and knowledge society (IKS) | Isabel María Gómez-Trigueros y Carolina Bustamante | 75.4 |
2023 | Education, spheres of participation and citizenship | Miquel Martínez Martín y Mercedes Oraisón | 75.2 |
2022 | STEM education: emerging technologies for science learning | Alicia Palacios Ortega, Daniel Moreno-Mediavilla y Virginia Pascual López | 74.4 |
2019 | Service-learning in Higher Education | Pilar Aramburuzabala, Héctor Opazo y Lorraine McIlrath | 71.3 |
2018 | Mathematics achievement and the science of mathematics education: evidence from different nations | María Inés Susperreguy, Blanca Arteaga Martínez, Elida V. Laski | 70.3 |
2017 | Ethics and University | Francisco Esteban y Pádraig Hogan | 69.4 |
2017 | Ict and Inclusive Education | Verónica Marín-Díaz | 69.3 |
2016 | Pre-primary and Primary Teacher Training and Education | Miquel Martínez | 68.2 |
2016 | Education and Arquitecture | Teresa Romañá | 68.1 |
2015 | Supranational Education | Javier M. Valle | 67.1 |
2014 | Government and university governance: the emerging debate | Hugo Casanova Cardiel y Roberto Rodríguez Gómez | 66.1 |
2013 | The Spanish educational system: old problems, new perspectives. A bicentennial commemoration (1813-2013) | María del Mar del Pozo Andrés | 65.4 |
2013 | Play, Education, and Learning: Playful Activities in Early Childhood Pedagogy | Gonzalo Jover & Andrés Payá Rico | 65.1 |
2012 | The University as a Community: Recovering the Idea of University in the Setting of the 21st Century | Marta Ruiz-Corbella & Suzy Harris | 64.3 |
2012 | Context Questionnaires in the Evaluation of Education Systems | Jesús M. Jornet, Emelina López-González & Javier Tourón | 64.2 |
2011 | Teaching-learning process and research activity in the context of the European Higher Education Area | Gualberto Buela-Casal & Inmaculada Teva | 63.2 |
2011 | Education and Competencies | Arturo de la Orden Hoz | 63.1 |
2010 | Education 200 Years after Independence (Mexico) | José Luis Gaviria | 62.3 |
2010 | Reinventing Hispanic America: the collective imagination of education | Rosa Bruno-Jofré | 62.2 |
2008 | Social education at school: Challenges and Possibilities | Gloria Pérez Serrano | 60.4 |
2006 | Religious Education | Enrique Gervilla Castillo | 58.4 & 5 |
2004 | Education with Technologies | Lorenzo García Aretio | 56.3 & 4 |
2003 | The Challenge of Training | Benito Echeverría Samames | 55.3 |
2002 | Attention to Diversity: Educating the most Gifted Students | Carmen Jiménez Fernández | 54.2 & 3 |
1999 | Tribute to Professor Victor Garcia Hoz | Arturo de la Orden Hoz | 51.2 |
1999 | 150 Years of Education Inspection | Eduardo Soler Fiérrez | 51.3 |
1995 | Educational Innovation and Educational Policies | Arturo de la Orden Hoz | 47.2 |
1993 | Evaluation of Centers in the Context of the LOGSE | Arturo de la Orden Hoz | 45.3 |
1992 | Interculturalism and Education in the European perspective – X National Congress of Pedagogy | Arturo de la Orden Hoz | 44.1 |
1992 | Program Evaluation | Pedro Municio | 43.4 |
1992 | The Professionalization of Management and Teacher Support Task | Antonio Bernat Montesinos | 43.2 |
1990 | Curriculum Proposal in the General Reform of the Education System | Arturo de la Orden Hoz | 42.3 |
1990 | Pedagogic Diagnosis | Ángel J. Lázaro Martínez | 42.1 |