Guidelines for authors

Procedure for submitting an article

As part of the submission process, the authors must check if their submission follows all the requirements shown below. The submissions that do not comply with the guidelines will be rejected:

  1. YOUR ARTICLE WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DISMISSED IF THE ABSTRACT DOES NOT ADAPT TO THE IMRD FORMAT (the words INTRODUCTION, METHOD, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION will appear written in the summary, in capital letters and followed by full stop) and if its length is not between 250 and 300 words.
  2. The article has been adequately anonymized and does not have plagiarism. In the text, the authoring CANNOT be deduced from the self-citations. Likewise, in the submitted file the names created by default by Microsoft Word must be eliminated.
  3. The article does not exceed 7000 words in total, except for the translations of the abstract and the keywords. It cannot be less than 6000 words. In the systematic reviews of the literature or meta-analysis, the bibliography is not included in the total number of words.
  4. The work is original and it is not being valued to be published in another journal.
  5. The article includes between 4 and 6 keywords originally from ERIC Thesaurus translated to Spanish (
  6. The references in the text, the final bibliographic references, the textual quotes etc, follow THOROUGHLY the format of the last APA edition, including the DOI if existing.
  7. In the case of empirical studies, where applicable, the effect of the size and its interpretation must be included.
  8. The tables and figures are presented in grey scales and NOT in color.
  9. I have read and I am aware of the instructions to send the works and the editorial policy of Bordón.
  10. The required metadata should be correctly incorporated in the submission, including the information of the article and the information of the authors.

Guidelines for authors

All the articles published in the Journal are previously valued by two external revisors according to the double-blind peer review. In case of disagreement, the Editor may request a third evaluation. Works must be a meaningful contribution to the field of education and should follow the recommendations included in the editorial policy of the journal, where the double-blind peer review is also described.

Works requisites

  • Works must be original and cannot be evaluated simultaneously with another publication. Failure to comply with this rule is considered a severe fault and will convey the inability to publish in Bordon again in the future. The editorial team will check the originality of the words using anti-plagiarism tools.
  • Code of ethics: given the historical relations of the Sociedad Española de Pedagogía and Bordon Journal with the Superior Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), the Spanish Society of Pedagogy adopts the Code of Good Scientific Practices Código de Buenas Prácticas Científicas passed by the CSIC in March 2010. Thus, the articles published in Bordon must comply with the ethical principles and criteria of this Code (available in Spanish and in English at:
  • Language of publication: Bordon accepts original articles in Spanish and English, being published in the submitted language. Exceptionally, articles submitted in Portuguese will be admitted, in this case, you will have to contact the secretary of the journal in advance (
  • Charges: the submission and publication of works does not involve any charge for the authors. The journal is financed by the Spanish Society of Pedagogy that assumes the publication charges through the member’s subscription fees. Becoming a member helps to support the dissemination of research in education through quality media like Bordon. For any information regarding this issue, you can contact the Secretary of SEP at the telephone number below or via email


  • All works must be sent exclusively through the Management Platform of Journals RECYT, of the Foundation of Science and Technology:
  • It is recommended to send the files in a Microsoft Word format. PDF files are not accepted, this format cannot be edited directly.
  • Anonymization: the article must be written in such a way that self-citations cannot give into authoring; for example, expressions such as “as we previously said (Pérez, 2020)” or “according to our work (Pérez, 2020)” etc. The labels to identify the files that are created by default by Word will also be eliminated, they should be revised in the section of properties of the document.
  • Order of authoring precedence: they should appear in strict order of importance according to their specific contribution to the work. If the work is accepted, the information about the specific contribution of each author will be included in the curriculum that will be attached at the end of the document.
  • Metadata: it is very important to introduce metadata correctly in the platform while submitting the file. On the one hand, the information about the article (title, key words, abstract, bibliography) and on the other, information of the authors (name and last name in order of signature, institutional affiliation, category or job position, email, ORCID identifier hast be active and updated).
  • Source of funding for research: if the results of the work are the result of financed projects, the financing agency and the references must be included. This information should also be incorporated through the metadata, and once the work is published, also in the final version of the text.
  • Ethics Committee: research with a design that implies carrying out an intervention, with adults or young participants, that may affect cognitive, attitudinal and/or academic performance features must count on the approval of an ethics committee. Those of the university or official public institutions can be used. In case the authors are not linked with this type of organization, they should count on individual authorizations and the educational centers that participate in the study.
  • Evaluation of the article: the editorial board will check if the articles fulfill the formal criteria described at the beginning of this section and if they adjust to Bordon’s editorial policy política editorial . If so, articles will go through the process of blind peer review regarding the assessment criteria of Bordon Journal (see the assessment file). Otherwise, articles will be directly dismissed.
  • Corrections: once the article has been evaluated, the Director of Bordon or the person delegated for that purpose will inform the corresponding author about the decision of the product during the process of evaluation of the work. The authors will have a maximum of one month to send the suggested changes.

Structure and format of the text

  • The length of the works should be sent in Word format, they will not exceed 7000 words in total, with the exception of the translations of the abstract and the keywords. It will not be under 6000 words either.
  • The article will be sent in a document where the pages will be numbered consecutively and should follow this structure:
    3. ABSTRACT IN SPANISH (between 250 and 300 words and in IMRD format) Articles that do not comply with this rule will be rejected. The IMRD format will be followed in Spanish and in English Introducción, Método, Resultados y Discusión/Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion). These words will be specified as sections in CAPITAL LETTERS within the abstract followed by a full stop.
    4. KEY WORDS: the key words (between 4 and 6) will be originally taken from the ERIC Thesaurus Tesauro de ERIC and will be translated into Spanish.
    5. ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH (ABSTRACT). Between 250 and 300 words and in an IMRD format. (IMPORTANT: please, make sure that this abstract is well-written or revised by a language expert. Otherwise, and in case the work is finally accepted, the abstract will not be accepted delaying the publication of your article).
    6. KEY WORDS, from ERIC Thesaurus Tesauro de ERIC.
    7. TEXT OF THE ARTICLE. It should be highlighted here the need to revise the editorial policy política editorial of the Journal before submitting the text.
    8. NOTES (If there are). Numbered correlatively, will be specified with supercripts and they will be included at the end of the work under the heading Notes.
  • TABLES AND FIGURES: when they are in a Word format they will have to be in the corresponding place inside the article, with its corresponding title and leyend and numbered correlatively following the APA format. When necessary to use other formats (such as an image jpg, tif, etc.) they will be sent in separated files, specifying in the text the place and number of the table, graphic or figure that should be inserted in each case. The quality of the illustrations must be clear and on grayscale.
  • DATA incorporated in open repositories: it is recommended to deposit the additional material, mainly the data used to generate the results of the research, in open access repositories held in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). And to reference all the works using the DOI or Handel for these data..
  • NUMBERS: it is recommended the use of APA citation about the format of scientific publications. Above all, you should include a dot to separate the decimal points (e.g. 0.1); Zero should be used before the decimal point when the statistical is over 1 in absolute terms (e.g. D of Cohen = 0.70). However, we do not add zero before a decimal point when the statistical cannot be over 1 in absolute terms (proportions, correlations, level of statistical significance) (eg. α = .01). The next work sumarises these rules:
    1. Frías-Navarro, D. (2020). Herramientas para la redacción del informe de investigación. 7ªedición del Manual de Publicación APA (American Psychological Association). Available at:
  • ABSTRACT: ONLY for the articles that have finally been accepted, they will have to translate the title, abstract and key words into French, within a week. (IMPORTANT: please, make sure that this abstract is written/revised by a language expert. Otherwise, the abstract will not be accepted delaying the process of publication of your work). Where appropriate, other official languages in the Spanish State can be added.
  • APA format: in addition to the numbers, the final references, direct quotes, tables and figures will follow the last APA edition. Remember the obligation to include the DOI in the quotes if existing.
  • BOOK RECENSIONS whose date of publication cannot be three years before the submission date (this is, if you send it in 2023 the book cannot be published before 2020), they should also be sent exclusively through the Management Journal Platform RECYT choosing the section recensions (not as an article). They should adjust to the following structure:
    1. Last name of the author of the book, Initials (publication year). Title of the book. Publishing House, number of pages of the book.
    2. TEXT of the recension of the book (maximum length 900 words).
    3. NAME AND LAST NAME of the author of the recension.
    4. Author’s affiliation of the recension.
    5. Other information about the author of the recension (email, postal code and work position).
    6. The Editorial Board reserves the right to introduce the necessary amendments to fulfill the rules previously described.

Work acceptance

  • Once the article has been accepted for publication, articles in which all the authors are members of the Spanish Society of Pedagogy or who will become members within one month once having received the letter of acceptance will be prioritized for publication.
  • Printing proofs of the accepted articles will be sent to the corresponding author for its correction. The proofs should be returned within three days to the editor of the Journal. The corrections cannot imply, in any case, significant changes of the original text.
  • Bordón. Journal of Pedagogy publishes its contents openly. The electronic format of the works is under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY-NC), and allows to download, adapt and redistribute the material if it is appropriately quoted and does not have a commercial aim. In addition, all the articles incorporate the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and the incorporation of works that have been published in institutional repositories or alike are allowed.

Procedure for submitting an article

As part of the submission process, the authors must check if their submission follows all the requirements shown below. The submissions that do not comply with the guidelines will be rejected:

  1. YOUR ARTICLE WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DISMISSED IF THE ABSTRACT DOES NOT ADAPT TO THE IMRD FORMAT (the words INTRODUCTION, METHOD, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION will appear written in the summary, in capital letters and followed by full stop) and if its length is not between 250 and 300 words.
  2. The article has been adequately anonymized and does not have plagiarism. In the text, the authoring CANNOT be deduced from the self-citations. Likewise, in the submitted file the names created by default by Microsoft Word must be eliminated.
  3. The article does not exceed 7000 words in total, except for the translations of the abstract and the keywords. It cannot be less than 6000 words. In the systematic reviews of the literature or meta-analysis, the bibliography is not included in the total number of words.
  4. The work is original and it is not being valued to be published in another journal.
  5. The article includes between 4 and 6 keywords originally from ERIC Thesaurus translated to Spanish (
  6. The references in the text, the final bibliographic references, the textual quotes etc, follow THOROUGHLY the format of the last APA edition, including the DOI if existing.
  7. In the case of empirical studies, where applicable, the effect of the size and its interpretation must be included.
  8. The tables and figures are presented in grey scales and NOT in color.
  9. I have read and I am aware of the instructions to send the works and the editorial policy of Bordón.
  10. The required metadata should be correctly incorporated in the submission, including the information of the article and the information of the authors.

Guidelines for authors

All the articles published in the Journal are previously valued by two external revisors according to the double-blind peer review. In case of disagreement, the Editor may request a third evaluation. Works must be a meaningful contribution to the field of education and should follow the recommendations included in the editorial policy of the journal, where the double-blind peer review is also described.

Works requisites

  • Works must be original and cannot be evaluated simultaneously with another publication. Failure to comply with this rule is considered a severe fault and will convey the inability to publish in Bordon again in the future. The editorial team will check the originality of the words using anti-plagiarism tools.
  • Code of ethics: given the historical relations of the Sociedad Española de Pedagogía and Bordon Journal with the Superior Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), the Spanish Society of Pedagogy adopts the Code of Good Scientific Practices Código de Buenas Prácticas Científicas passed by the CSIC in March 2010. Thus, the articles published in Bordon must comply with the ethical principles and criteria of this Code (available in Spanish and in English at:
  • Language of publication: Bordon accepts original articles in Spanish and English, being published in the submitted language. Exceptionally, articles submitted in Portuguese will be admitted, in this case, you will have to contact the secretary of the journal in advance (
  • Charges: the submission and publication of works does not involve any charge for the authors. The journal is financed by the Spanish Society of Pedagogy that assumes the publication charges through the member’s subscription fees. Becoming a member helps to support the dissemination of research in education through quality media like Bordon. For any information regarding this issue, you can contact the Secretary of SEP at the telephone number below or via email


  • All works must be sent exclusively through the Management Platform of Journals RECYT, of the Foundation of Science and Technology:
  • It is recommended to send the files in a Microsoft Word format. PDF files are not accepted, this format cannot be edited directly.
  • Anonymization: the article must be written in such a way that self-citations cannot give into authoring; for example, expressions such as “as we previously said (Pérez, 2020)” or “according to our work (Pérez, 2020)” etc. The labels to identify the files that are created by default by Word will also be eliminated, they should be revised in the section of properties of the document.
  • Order of authoring precedence: they should appear in strict order of importance according to their specific contribution to the work. If the work is accepted, the information about the specific contribution of each author will be included in the curriculum that will be attached at the end of the document.
  • Metadata: it is very important to introduce metadata correctly in the platform while submitting the file. On the one hand, the information about the article (title, key words, abstract, bibliography) and on the other, information of the authors (name and last name in order of signature, institutional affiliation, category or job position, email, ORCID identifier hast be active and updated).
  • Source of funding for research: if the results of the work are the result of financed projects, the financing agency and the references must be included. This information should also be incorporated through the metadata, and once the work is published, also in the final version of the text.
  • Ethics Committee: research with a design that implies carrying out an intervention, with adults or young participants, that may affect cognitive, attitudinal and/or academic performance features must count on the approval of an ethics committee. Those of the university or official public institutions can be used. In case the authors are not linked with this type of organization, they should count on individual authorizations and the educational centers that participate in the study.
  • Evaluation of the article: the editorial board will check if the articles fulfill the formal criteria described at the beginning of this section and if they adjust to Bordon’s editorial policy política editorial . If so, articles will go through the process of blind peer review regarding the assessment criteria of Bordon Journal (see the assessment file). Otherwise, articles will be directly dismissed.
  • Corrections: once the article has been evaluated, the Director of Bordon or the person delegated for that purpose will inform the corresponding author about the decision of the product during the process of evaluation of the work. The authors will have a maximum of one month to send the suggested changes.

Structure and format of the text

  • The length of the works should be sent in Word format, they will not exceed 7000 words in total, with the exception of the translations of the abstract and the keywords. It will not be under 6000 words either.
  • The article will be sent in a document where the pages will be numbered consecutively and should follow this structure:
    3. ABSTRACT IN SPANISH (between 250 and 300 words and in IMRD format) Articles that do not comply with this rule will be rejected. The IMRD format will be followed in Spanish and in English Introducción, Método, Resultados y Discusión/Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion). These words will be specified as sections in CAPITAL LETTERS within the abstract followed by a full stop.
    4. KEY WORDS: the key words (between 4 and 6) will be originally taken from the ERIC Thesaurus Tesauro de ERIC and will be translated into Spanish.
    5. ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH (ABSTRACT). Between 250 and 300 words and in an IMRD format. (IMPORTANT: please, make sure that this abstract is well-written or revised by a language expert. Otherwise, and in case the work is finally accepted, the abstract will not be accepted delaying the publication of your article).
    6. KEY WORDS, from ERIC Thesaurus Tesauro de ERIC.
    7. TEXT OF THE ARTICLE. It should be highlighted here the need to revise the editorial policy política editorial of the Journal before submitting the text.
    8. NOTES (If there are). Numbered correlatively, will be specified with supercripts and they will be included at the end of the work under the heading Notes.

  • TABLES AND FIGURES: when they are in a Word format they will have to be in the corresponding place inside the article, with its corresponding title and leyend and numbered correlatively following the APA format. When necessary to use other formats (such as an image jpg, tif, etc.) they will be sent in separated files, specifying in the text the place and number of the table, graphic or figure that should be inserted in each case. The quality of the illustrations must be clear and on grayscale.
  • DATA incorporated in open repositories: it is recommended to deposit the additional material, mainly the data used to generate the results of the research, in open access repositories held in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). And to reference all the works using the DOI or Handel for these data..
  • NUMBERS: it is recommended the use of APA citation about the format of scientific publications. Above all, you should include a dot to separate the decimal points (e.g. 0.1); Zero should be used before the decimal point when the statistical is over 1 in absolute terms (e.g. D of Cohen = 0.70). However, we do not add zero before a decimal point when the statistical cannot be over 1 in absolute terms (proportions, correlations, level of statistical significance) (eg. α = .01). The next work sumarises these rules:
    1. Frías-Navarro, D. (2020). Herramientas para la redacción del informe de investigación. 7ªedición del Manual de Publicación APA (American Psychological Association). Available at:
  • ABSTRACT: ONLY for the articles that have finally been accepted, they will have to translate the title, abstract and key words into French, within a week. (IMPORTANT: please, make sure that this abstract is written/revised by a language expert. Otherwise, the abstract will not be accepted delaying the process of publication of your work). Where appropriate, other official languages in the Spanish State can be added.
  • APA format: in addition to the numbers, the final references, direct quotes, tables and figures will follow the last APA edition. Remember the obligation to include the DOI in the quotes if existing.
  • BOOK RECENSIONS whose date of publication cannot be three years before the submission date (this is, if you send it in 2023 the book cannot be published before 2020), they should also be sent exclusively through the Management Journal Platform RECYT choosing the section recensions (not as an article). They should adjust to the following structure:
    1. Last name of the author of the book, Initials (publication year). Title of the book. Publishing House, number of pages of the book.
    2. TEXT of the recension of the book (maximum length 900 words).
    3. NAME AND LAST NAME of the author of the recension.
    4. Author’s affiliation of the recension.
    5. Other information about the author of the recension (email, postal code and work position).
    6. The Editorial Board reserves the right to introduce the necessary amendments to fulfill the rules previously described.

Work acceptance

  • Once the article has been accepted for publication, articles in which all the authors are members of the Spanish Society of Pedagogy or who will become members within one month once having received the letter of acceptance will be prioritized for publication.
  • Printing proofs of the accepted articles will be sent to the corresponding author for its correction. The proofs should be returned within three days to the editor of the Journal. The corrections cannot imply, in any case, significant changes of the original text.
  • Bordón. Journal of Pedagogy publishes its contents openly. The electronic format of the works is under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY-NC), and allows to download, adapt and redistribute the material if it is appropriately quoted and does not have a commercial aim. In addition, all the articles incorporate the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and the incorporation of works that have been published in institutional repositories or alike are allowed.