About Us
The Spanish Pedagogical Society (SEP) is a professional, scientific, non-profit organization open to all persons and organizations that are interested in reflecting on education and improving its quality.
Its beginnings date back to 1949. At a moment of pedagogic stagnation in Spain, Professor Victor García Hoz set up the Society.
By means of its journal Bordón and the organization of various courses and seminars, the aim of the Society was to generate a culture of pedagogic discussion that would help bring about changes in the Spanish education system. The most noteworthy actions revolved around organizing the National Conferences on Pedagogy and on promoting the opening of new schools and departments of Pedagogy at Spanish Universities.
Heir to this tradition, the Spanish Pedagogical Society today focuses its activity on publishing the journal Bordón, a scientific journal of pedagogy published quarterly. Originally aimed at servicing only Spanish education, its vocation now extends worldwide. Headquartered at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Society also carries out a number of activities of scientific interest. The most noteworthy is undoubtedly having organized a National (and later, International) Conference on Pedagogy every four years since 1959, which brings together representatives from all areas of education to study questions of interest in the field of pedagogy. Among its main aims are fostering pedagogical research and making its results better-known.
Since the year 2000, the Spanish Pedagogical Society also organizes an Ibero-American Congress on Pedagogy with the aim of furthering the tradition of scientific collaboration in the field of education between Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries. Since 2010, the site for these conferences has alternated between Spain and Latin American countries: Mexico (2010), Chile (2014), Argentina (2018). These congresses have quickly become a referent in the field of educational research for fostering educational exchange and cooperation in Ibero-America.
Among its purposes, it prioritizes the following:
- To facilitate practical application of those results
- To promote exchanges between researchers in pedagogy at the national and international level
- To contribute to the continuous professional development of educational professionals
To reach those objectives, the Society organizes courses, conferences, round tables and meetings. It also promotes:
- Scientific workshops.
- Exchanges with foreign centers of research and teaching.
- Scientific research.
- The publication of books, journals, reports, etc.
- The writing of reports and manifestos on current pedagogical issues.
- The presence of pedagogical issues in the media (radio and television interviews and talk shows, etc.).