Conferences and events
Topic | Event | Date & place | Web |
A ras de tierra. Educación. Inclusión. Justicia Social | X Congreso Iberoamericano de Pedagogía | X Congreso Iberoamericano de Pedagogía | Web |
XVII Congreso Nacional y IX Iberoamericano de Pedagogía | XVII Congreso Nacional y IX Iberoamericano de Pedagogía | Santiago de Compostela, Faculty of Education of the USC. July 7 to 9, 2021 | Web |
La Innovación y el futuro de la educación para un mundo plural | VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Pedagogía | Buenos Aires, UNTREF, 14 to 17 of August of 2018 | Web |
Democracy and Education in the XXI Century | XVI Congreso Nacional y VII Iberoamericano de Pedagogía | Madrid, Faculty of Educación of the UCM, 27 to 30 of June of 2016 | Web |
Integrating knowledge for a educational change with sense | VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Pedagogía | Santiago de Chile, Universidad Católica Silva Henriquez , 23 to 25 of September of 2014 | Web |
Between generations: education, inheritance and promise | XV Congreso Nacional y V Iberoamericano de Pedagogía | Burgos, Faculty of Education of the University of Burgos, 4 to 7 of July of 2012 | Web |
Tools for making objective tests for evaluating school results | Course | Madrid, Faculty of Education of the UCM, 7 to 14 of March of 2011 | |
Education 200 years after independence | IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Pedagogía | México, Toluca of Lerdo, 7 to 11 of September of 2010 | Web |
Programming the basic competencies. Teaching-learning activities and evaluation | Course | Madrid, UCM, Faculty of Education, 15 to 29 of September of 2009 | |
Education, citizenship and social harmony. Diversity and the social sense of education | XIV Congreso Nacional y III Iberoamericano de Pedagogía | Zaragoza, 17 to 20 of September of 2008 | |
Evaluating academic programs | Course | Madrid, UNED, Faculty of Education, November of 2006 | |
Innovation and change in professional training | III Workshop on Quality in Education Services organized with the Spanish Association for Quality (AEC) | Madrid, Faculty of Economics and Business of the UNED, 13 y 14 of October of 2005 | |
Evaluation and certification of centers of education | III Workshop on Quality in Education Services organized with the Spanish Association for Quality (AEC) | Plasencia, UNED, July of 2005 | |
Non-university quality management systems: methodologies and tools for implementation in centers of education | III Workshop on Quality in Education Services organized with the Spanish Association for Quality (AEC) | Instituto Valenciano of Evaluación y Calidad Educativas, May of 2005 | |
Accreditation, Certification and Innovation. Integrating them for quality education | III Workshop on Quality in Education Services organized with the Spanish Association for Quality (AEC) | Universidad of Sevilla, 17 y 18 of febrero of 2005 | |
Education in multicultural contexts: diversity and identity | XIII Congreso Nacional y II Iberoamericano de Pedagogía | Valencia, 13 to 16 of September of 2004 | |
Studies on education vis a vis the European convergence | Course | Madrid, 27 y 28 of November of 2003 | |
An integral proposal | II Workshop on Quality in Education Services organized with the Spanish Association for Quality (AEC) | Madrid, Faculty of Economics and Business of the UNED, 14 y 15 of November of 2002 | |
Quality and quality of education: between customized education and social pertinence | Summer Course | Ávila, July of 2002 | |
The Challenge of Professional Training | Seminario coordinated by Benito Echevarría Samames | Madrid, 6 to 8 of June of 2002 | |
Professional Training in the Framework of Integral Education | Seminar coordinated by Benito Echevarría Samames | Madrid, Faculty of Economics and Business of the UNED, 6 to 8 of June of 2002 | |
Training students in secondary education | Seminar | Madrid, 27 y 28 of April of 2001 | |
Toward the third millennium: Change in education and education for the change | XII Congreso Nacional y I Iberoamericano de Pedagogía | Madrid, 26 to 30 September of 2000 | |
Pedagogic innovation and educational policies | XI Congreso Nacional de Pedagogía | San Sebastián, 2 to 5 of July of 1996 | |
Analysis of the 77 measures proposed by the Ministry of Education to increase the quality of education | Study Sessions and Debate | Madrid, CSIC, 14 y 15 of April of 1994 | |
Education in multicultural contexts: diversity and identity | X Congreso Nacional de Pedagogía | Salamanca, 29 September to 3 October of 1992 | |
On Education Reform: Professionalizing the management and teacher support tasks | Study Workshops | Madrid, 29 to 31 of October of 1990 | |
Quality of centers of education | IX Congreso Nacional de Pedagogía | Alicante, 27 September to 10 October of 1988 | |
Education and New Technologies | II Conference on Educational Technology | Madrid (Recinto Ferito of IFEMA), 2 to 4 of April of 1987 | |
Special Education: Gesture-based communication | Course | 1986 | |
Education and plural society | VIII Congreso Nacional de Pedagogía | Santiago of Compostela, 2 to 7 of July of 1984 | |
Educational Technology | I Conference on Educational Technology | Madrid (INEF), 7 to 9 of April of 1983 | |
Pedagogic research and teacher training | VII Congreso Nacional de Pedagogía | Granada, 1 to 5 October of 1980 | |
Critique and future of education | VI Congreso Nacional de Pedagogía | Madrid, 30 October to 2 of November of 1976 | |
La reforma cualitativa de la educación | V Congreso Nacional de Pedagogía | Madrid, 6 to 9 November of 1972 | |
Education today: problems and techniques | IV Congreso Nacional de Pedagogía | Pamplona, 28 of October to 3 of November of 1968 | |
Adapting the Spanish school system to current needs | III Congreso Nacional de Pedagogía | Salamanca, 28 to 31 October of 1964 | |
The Spanish Pedagogical Society’s contribution at the 7 th Conference of the Bureau Internacional Catholique de L'Enfance (B.I.C.E.) is considered as the II Conferences. 12 work commissions. Teacher training | II Congreso Nacional de Pedagogía | Lisboa, 29 June to 5 July of 1959 | |
Teacher training | I Congreso Nacional de Pedagogía | Barcelona, 21 April to 1 May of 1955 |
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[…] Madrid, Burgos, Zaragoza, Valencia, Santiago de Chile, Toluca (México), han sido, entre otros, los lugares que han acogido anteriores…